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Summer Camps

Summer & Extreme Safari 

Summer Safari Registration opens Tuesday, April 1, 2025!

Summer & Extreme Safari are full day ten-week camps held at Crooked Creek Park and Seven Oaks Park. Participants can register for separate weeks or the entire summer. Summer Safari and Extreme Safari (for teens include special activities, indoor and outdoor play, arts and crafts, games and two snacks per day. Summer Safari is for children entering grades K–5, Extreme Safari is for children entering grades 6–9. The camps runs from 7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Monday though Friday. 

Summer Safari registration will begin Tuesday, April 1, 2025.  To register, please complete the registration packet (available April 1). All safari forms must be filled out and brought to the front desk along with deposit/payment at either Crooked Creek Park or Seven Oaks Park during regular park hours. FORMS MAY NOT BE EMAILED. Printed Summer Safari packets will also available at both parks for pick up.

  • Crooked Creek Park @ 803-345-6181
  • Seven Oaks Park @ 803-772-3336

Safari Parent's Handbook

Summer Specialty Camps

ICRC offers a variety of half and full day summer camps for all ages and interest at our parks - STEM, arts and crafts, fitness, outdoor adventure, sports, cooking, and more! Our 2025 camp guides with fees, dates, times, and detailed information on summer camps in the parks will be available in late March. 

Visit Xplor at the link below to search and register for summer camps. New camps will be added as they become available. Registration will begin March 1, 2025.

Click here to register for specialty camps